Sunday 12 January 2014

inventor news

Today is the anniversary of the invention of the armchair by Terence Quang of Leeds. Apparently he came up with the idea because he was fed up with sitting on the floor.  He also invented the Biscuit Tin Firing Cannon which didn't catch on in the same way.  Thanks to the armchair, however, Terence became a rich man, as until very recently anyone using an armchair had to pay him a royalty.  Failure to pay would result in Quang turning up, often unannounced, with his Biscuit Tin Firing Cannon.  He would threaten to fire the least appetising flavours at non-paying users without a moment's hesitation.  Quang died at the end of his life when one of his own armchairs collapsed in on him.  He was 93. He was also dead.

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